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Real Estate Agent Charleston

As you work alongside a real estate agent in Charleston, you can determine what works best for your real estate needs. When you work with a real estate agent, they usually make money by paying the seller’s commission. That means buyers don’t have to worry about paying them while sellers will provide four to eight percent to the buyer’s and seller’s agents, likely leaving them with more money than if they sold alone.

RedFin.com shows that Charleston benefits buyers and sellers regarding SC homes. For instance, the average sale price grew by 14.1 percent in a year, according to the December 2023 report. However, houses spend 63 days on average, so sellers will be open to negotiation to get a sale. You must work with a local real estate professional to have the edge in these negotiations.

No matter what you plan to do regarding the real estate market, you should call me, and I’ll assist you. I know all about real estate and always put my clients first, so if you let me know what you plan to do, we can look into it and do everything possible to bring you the best result. All it takes is communication, so reach out now to schedule a meeting and review your goals.

  • Have a real estate agent show you the housing market in Charleston.